Eighty Years Ago: Asia Pacific, Feb 13 – 19, 1941


Feb 13, 1941: Light cruiser USS Savannah arrives at Midway along with USS Brooklyn and Philadelphia, carrying remnants of 3rd Marine Defense Battalion, which is to garrison the island.

Feb 14, 1941: The new Japanese ambassador to the United States, Admiral Nomura Kichisaburo, presents his credentials to President Franklin D. Roosevelt at White House

Feb 15, 1941: US Admiral Harold R. Stark, chief of naval operations, downplays need for torpedo nets at Pearl Harbor, arguing the water is too shallow for torpedo planes

Feb 16, 1941: Laos, whose King Sisavang Vong is seen in picture to the right with French officials, vows to remain part of Empire of France

Feb 17, 1941: Japan reported to be setting up airbase near Saigon in southern Vietnam, four hours’ flight time from British strongpoint of Singapore

Feb 18, 1941: China’s leader Chiang Kai-shek launches campaign against opium addiction

Feb 19, 1941: Units of Australia’s 8th Division arrive in Singapore to strengthen defenses against possible Japanese threat

Categories: War

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