Eighty Years Ago: Asia Pacific, March 7 – 13, 1940


March 7, 1940: Japanese lawmaker Saitō Takao, a vocal critic of the war in China, is expelled from parliament, and his name tag is subsequently removed

March 8, 1940: Japanese Army reports progress against Chinese forces north of Hong Kong

March 9, 1940: China hails US decision to extend loan of 20 million dollars, saying it is ‘equal to a million American soldiers joining the war against Japan’

March 10, 1940: Refugees flood Hong Kong, fleeing Sino-Japanese War on mainland

March 11, 1940: Japanese Army reports major victory in south China’s Shantou city

March 12, 1940: Naval vessel from Portuguese enclave of Macao clashes with Chinese customs ship, killing one crew member

March 13, 1940: China concerned that the end of the Soviet-Finnish Winter War will make its own situation vis-à-vis Japan more difficult as it sets a precedent for territorial compromise with an aggressor nation

Categories: War

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