Eighty Years Ago: Asia Pacific, Feb 27 – March 5, 1941

Feb 27, 1941: German newspaper warns that neither Germany nor its Axis partners Japan and Italy will accept American attempts to limit their “Lebensraum” (living space)

Feb 28, 1941: Britain assures Japan its buildup of forces in Far East shows no aggressive intent and simply reflects the need to mobilize for total war

March 1, 1941: Former War Minister Hata Shunroku is appointed commander-in-chief of Japanese forces in China

March 2, 1941: China’s leader Chiang Kai-shek says he will never enter a compromise with Japan

March 3, 1941: US Rear Admiral John H. Newton, on board heavy cruiser Chicago, leads fleet on voyage from Pearl Harbor to Samoan Islands

March 4, 1941: Japanese planes bomb ports along southeast coast of China still controlled by Chiang Kai-shek’s troops

March 5, 1941: Foreign Minister Matsuoka Yosuke stops over in Moscow en route to Berlin

Categories: War

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