Eighty Years Ago: Asia Pacific, March 6 – 12, 1941

March 6, 1941: Japan says it has succeeded in cutting off southern supply routes to territories controlled by Nationalist China

March 7, 1941: Two French submarines reportedly arrived in Indochina, as pressure from Japan intensifies

March 8, 1941: Japanese Ambassador Nomura Kichisaburo has first extensive dialogue with US Secretary of State Cordell Hull on solving tense bilateral relations

March 9, 1941: Japanese Army withdraws from some recently captured areas in southern China, saying it has achieved its aim of cutting off supplies to Chiang Kai-shek’s troops

March 10, 1941: Japanese Rear Admiral Onishi Takijiro completes draft plan for attack on Pearl Harbor and hands it to Admiral Yamamoto Isoroku

March 11, 1941: Australia sends troops to Rabaul on island of New Britain

March 12, 1941: Peace in Franco-Thai border war achieved with Japanese mediation

Categories: War

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